Davines NaturalTech

Natural Tech is a system consisting of seven different families, of which six are for scalp and hair-specific problems, where as the well-being family suits all hair types:

  1. Energizing: A family of stimulation products for scalp and fragile hair prone to falling out. This family comprises the products intended for the preventive treatment and various forms of alopecia.
  2. Nourishing: A family of nourishing, moisturizing and restructuring products for dehydrated scalp and dry brittle hair. This family comprises the products designed to repair hair.
  3. Purifying: A family of antiseptic products for all dandruff types.
  4. Rebalancing: A normalizing and rebalancing family, for scalps with sebum hyperproduction.
  5. Detoxifying: A family of detoxifying, regenerating and revitalizing products for scalp lacking tone and hair stressed by environmental factors, as pollution.
  6. Calming: A family of soothing and skin relieving products for sensitive scalp.
  7. Wellbeing: A family of moisturizing products for all scalp and hair types, this is also recommended for use between different Naturaltech Treatments.

The products of each line have been developed so that they can be combined in order to resolve any type of problem, including complex or mixed situations.

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