The Inside Scoop on Microneedling

The inside scoop on Microneeding (CIT)


What is microneedling and how would it benefit me?

As we age, our ability to regenerate new skin cells and collagen diminishes. Years of trauma to our skin leaves a lasting mark. Contributing to age factors like scarring, pigmentation, fine lines, increase in pore size and texture. There are a wide array of methods to treat and rejuvenate our skin ranging from facials to microneedling. Microneedling is a method of introducing a controlled wound to your skin triggering it to release natural growth factors such as collagen and elastin.  This process causes less damage to the skin than dermal rolling and other ablative treatments. Microneedling treatments are safe and effective method to activate cellular regeneration while addressing an array of skin conditions/issues:

  • Fine Lines
  • Scars
  • Stretch Marks
  • Tone & Texture

What will happen during your treatment?

When you arrive your skin will be cleansed and a topical anesthetic will be applied for 20-30 minutes before we start the treatment. Your anesthetic will be removed and your skin will be cleansed again to make sure it is clean prior to treatment. Your esthetician will then apply a thin layer of Hyaluronic Serum to your skin and select the appropriate treatment depth based on your needs. Next, she will begin the treatment by gently gliding the microneedling pen across your skin, one section at  time, until the entire area has been treated. This will result in thousands of microscopic channels throughout the entire treatment area. The repair process, Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT), begins almost immediately. Fibroblasts, the cells that synthesize new collagen, are active for up to as must as one year after just one treatment. Depending on your specific needs additional serums may be added. Many clients will need a series of treatments to achieve their desired goals, this will be determined at your consultation.

How will I look after my treatment?

Microneedling is considered a no downtime treatment. Immediately after your treatment your skin will look slightly pink to moderately red. Depending on your skin sensitivity your redness can last for another 24 hours. 

Can I use makeup directly after my treatment?

We do not recommend applying makeup until your skin is no longer pink/red in appearance.

When will I see results?

Although, Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT), begins almost immediately the overall results are progressive. Many individuals will begin to see the effectiveness of treatment after their first visit, however a series of 3-6 treatments are typically recommended. 


For more information on Microneedling (CIT) give us a call or schedule a free consultation with our Esthetician, 832-791-1730.

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